Identity Theft â Equip Yourself With Obvious Tips to Avoid Identity Theft


Every day you are faced with the chance that your identity can be stolen. Thieves are working more than ever on how to steal your identity and they are taking advantage with our modern technology. Do not fall prey to these thieves. Take all necessary precaution to prevent it from happening.

There is no guarantee that you can protect yourself a hundred percent from being a victim of identity theft. The best you can do is to make yourself aware of simple but necessary steps to protect yourself. There is no harm in taking precautions to prevent identity theft but it will take a whole chunk of your life to try and correct what has already been done if your identity is stolen.

Here are the simple necessary precautions that you can incorporate in your daily life to lessen the chance of identity theft. These steps you may already know but take a look at the ones that you may have not thought about.

1. Get a shredder especially the cross-cut ones as this can protect you better. Some thieves can go a long way as to put together shredded documents. It will be difficult however to do this if you are using a cross-cut shredder.

2. Any document or papers that contain your name and address needs to be shredded. It includes letter envelopes, receipts, bank statements, letters, etc.

3. Never bring your SSS card with you unless absolutely necessary. PIN (personal identification number) should never be written anywhere near the card and certainly do not share any of these informations even to your family or friends. Some people are a victim of their own family or friends.

4. SSS and PIN are never to be given over the phone especially if you did not initiate the call. There are few instances that you need to but it is upon you to decide whether it is necessary in your particular situation.

5. Credit monitoring is very important so you can monitor any unusual activity and report it at the earliest time to get it corrected. You can also monitor your statements so you can take action as soon as possible if there happens to be any activity that did not come from you.

There is more that you can do if you want to take this to the next level to avoid identity theft. Find a company that deals specifically with identity theft protection. Take a look at it as like having a car insurance. You have the insurance in place so that you have somebody to go to when an accident happens.