Address validation systems â holding your credit card from unauthorized use


with today’s advanced technology, we are now capable to do a small amount of virtual dealings. Deciding our utility bills, shopping and paying our employees may now be done in the comfort of our own homes in front of a computer on the net or by processing a credit card payment over the phone.

but have you noticed that the computer or the agent will at all times ask for your complete address in each dealing? Whether or not you have been doing a heap of dealings by phone or internet, i’m certain that you have encountered this scenario a small amount of times. A heap of of us are becoming very annoyed with it because they keep on asking that info even whether or not they have our address on their records. This routine is called address validation.

just to clarify, we ought not be annoyed whether or not the agent is doing address validation on dealings. This is a truly principal task and is considered a usual operating routine in terms of money matters.

but why is it very principal for companies to do address validation? Companies are fundamentally doing this for two reasons. The original one is to ensure that each dealing is an authorized dealing and therefore protecting you from account fraud or theft. As an illustration, another person had a hold of your credit card. By the mere possession of the card, he could use it to do some online or phone dealings. Nonetheless, he wouldn’t be capable to do that since he are going to be asked to verify the billing address of the card. Since that person doesn’t have that info, he can not verify it and therefore the dealing wouldn’t push through.

how does the operation of verifying the address work? The agent or the online shop will ask for the billing address. Once the billing address did not match the entries on the strategy, then the dealing are going to be declined. This will keep any unauthorized use of your credit card.

some companies, apart from having their own validation strategy, likewise use a usps address validation strategy. Usps address validation strategy is an application that is connected to the united states postal service. This is a truly authentic tool in checking whether the address is valid or is registered on the database. So once the constitution was not capable to verify the address both on their database and on the usps address validation strategy, they’ll altogether reject the dealing and make a report when it comes to a fraud caller.

the second reason is that they want to have a smooth and good relationship with the customer. Whether or not you found out that you have an unauthorized dealing on your credit card bill, i’m certain you will contact the constitution and complain because they permitted this unauthorized and unverified use of the credit card. Therefore leading to a discontinuation of business. With the validation strategy, you are certain that only you and the authorized humans may do the dealing. & #xd;
with address validation by utilizing their database and usps address validation strategy, you may be certain that your account and your business relationship with the constitution is protected. In this way, you may carry on doing dealings without worries since you have the key info needed by the validation schemes.